Towers, Hybrid-Power and Shelters
Providing Everything You Need

Tower Installation & Maintenance
Acel has successfully completed a myriad of tower and monopole installation projects. Our expert teams are trained and equipped to safely complete turnkey services for your site plan including site clearing, building access roads, installation of security fencing and foundations.
Communication towers, like any outdoor structure, are prone to damage from normal wear and tear. This is especially true if those towers are located in areas that frequently experience severe or inclement weather, or are located near coastlines or bodies of water. Maintenance checks are essential after any sort of natural disaster, as well.
Acel will help to ensure a regular maintenance schedule is adhered to. We're a team that you can trust to protect your critical telecom infrustrature and avoid desperate repairs.
Solar Panel - Hybrid Power Installation and Maintenance Systems
Acel’s service's include:
Design, study and monitoring of power lines,
Design, study and monitoring of several rural electrification projects,
Monitoring the civil engineering execution of power plants and substations,
Topographic studies of power lines,
Geotechnical investigations of power lines

Civil Works
Acel has successfully completed a variety to light construction projects to provide platforms and shelters to support project needs.